Skyaking: Skydiving With a Kayak (Video)

This is just amazing.

From You Tube:
Danger man Miles Daisher casts a bizarre image paddling across the sky – 13,000 feet up in a KAYAK. The daredevil has turned extreme sport skydiving on its head after deciding to jump out of a plane in equipment normally used only in water – giving birth to ‘skyaking’.

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73 Responses to Skyaking: Skydiving With a Kayak (Video)

  1. El Guapo says:

    I want to do that too!!!

  2. Crazy! Another video I’m sure my daredevil son will love…

  3. David says:

    Fantastic – makes kite-surfing look decidedly tame!

  4. lolabees says:

    Nice landing! i think the next step is to land that thing in white water!

  5. My husband (a pilot), says, “Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.”

  6. Haha! What’ll they think of next? That’s super cool. It almost made me laugh when I was watching it because it’s such a strange combination and yet it works beautifully.

  7. Ok, I won’t ever be doing either thing, but it was fun to watch. How about Kayaking on a parachute now? That would be short and fun to watch.

  8. susielindau says:

    Insanity abounds. I love it!

  9. One of those amazing sights that I never want to perform myself!

  10. Windsmoke. says:

    Nooo way i’d do that not even for a million or even a trillion dollars :-).

  11. Fergiemoto says:

    Oh my goodness!! What will people think of next with extreme sports?!?! It makes the activities I prefer, like walking, hiking, fishing and other lower key activities seem like I’m slouched in a recliner.

    • magsx2 says:

      I am always amazed at some of the extreme sports, and I am also one that feels like I’m slouched in a recliner at times. πŸ˜€

  12. Not certain if I’d want to try it but I love the word ‘skyaking’.

  13. zannyro says:

    Well,,,I guess I can’t do that….someone else has already done it…so it’s been ruined for me…(Thank God)

  14. aFrankAngle says:

    Wow … who would have thunk it! Great landing …. and agree, I too am not surprised that Guapo is ready for it!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Frank,
      I thought it was wonderful how he came down in the water and zoomed across onto land, brilliant. πŸ˜€
      I can easily picture Guapo in the kayak. πŸ™‚

  15. Selma says:

    What a complete and utter maniac, but I admire his courage and skills. WOAAAHHH!!!!

  16. reb says:

    It was a beautiful video …and the landing was terrific. I might be repeating myself, but how the heck do people come up with these bizarre ideas?! πŸ™‚

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi reb,
      I agree, the landing was amazing, I loved it, so perfect. It does make you wonder how they come up with some of these ideas, and to think up a name for it as well, just astonishing. πŸ™‚

  17. I loved the landing!

  18. viveka says:

    I think I stick to have both feet’s on the ground – amazing little video *smile

  19. Barb says:

    Sorry, I’ve been missing you. I had a book come out and ate up time, but I tried to always catch your Friday Funnies even if I didn’t comment. Sometimes your quick videos gave me the lift I needed on hard days. Thanks for all the effort you put into your blog. Here’s a hug. Barb

  20. tempo says:

    Since the dawn of time, mankind has been making huge leaps into the unknown. Sometimes they make the gap and seal the deal making our species the eventual owners of the planet.
    On the other hand, the leaps that didnt quite make the grade leave the fossil bodies we still find today. There alongside these brave daredevils stood a bloke that looks a lot like me…saying “Why!”..

  21. Madhu says:

    Totally insane! And why am I not surprised that I first hear about this on your site? πŸ™‚

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Madhu,
      Incredible to watch wasn’t it, it went all so well and I’m more than happy to hear it’s the first time you have seen it. πŸ˜€

  22. travelrat says:

    Sorry I haven’t been around for a while … tried to run some white water, and it took us quite a while to recover the aeroplane! πŸ˜€

  23. Indira says:

    Hi mags, everyday I learn a new thing from your post, one has to be very courageous to do all this.

  24. Brilliant idea although I think it’s mainly meant for the daredevils and the brave of heart. Its a thrilling spectacle though. Cool post!

  25. adinparadise says:

    Yikes! That’s crazy stuff. Perfect landing. πŸ˜‰

  26. oohhhh gosh, I don’t know if I could be so brave! :/

  27. robincoyle says:

    Well that is crazy.

  28. starlaschat says:

    That’s funny I’m not surprised that El Guapo would want to do this. :+) Looks like a new sport is created. It must be scary and fun for the first person that has an idea to try somthing completly new.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi starlaschat,
      I think it would be wonderful to basically invent a new sport and be the first to do it, especially such an extreme sport, and name the sport as well. πŸ™‚

  29. This guy is nuts! Nuts, with a death wish! So many things could have gone wrong.

  30. Haha! You’re right. The landing’s awesome.

  31. People come up with some crazy ideas! I would’ve landed in the water and started paddling! πŸ™‚

  32. jfossbakk says:

    FANTASTIC cool landing!! Wonder if I can do that in my 20 foot Seakayak?

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi jfossbakk,
      You don’t know until you try. πŸ˜€
      I agree a great landing, who would of thought this was even possible.
      Thank You for visiting and taking the time to comment.

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