I’m Still Here

Sorry I haven’t been around in the blogosphere for the last week, but I have not been well, I have been pretty sick with a very nasty cold, and am only now starting to feel a bit better. I’m sorry I haven’t been to anyone’s blog, I haven’t been on the computer much at all, I played a few card games yesterday, I like playing hearts, spades, and solitaire every now and then, I usually just play with the computer as a partner.

I’m hoping to be able to get back to reading everyone’s posts next week, and I would like to Thank everyone that have sent me e-mails wondering why I have not been around, so many wonderful people in the blogosphere that have never met me, I really was very humbled about your concern.

I apologise for not having any jokes this weekend, as soon as I finish my morning cuppa, I am going back to bed. I don’t know if I will be back on the computer today to answer any comments, so I will Thank You all in advance, and also to those that have taken the time to read this post and only had time to click onto the like button.

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” ~Oscar Wilde

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138 Responses to I’m Still Here

  1. El Guapo says:

    Take your time, and feel better Magsx2!
    We’ll be here when you get back.
    (You’re health is more important than the jokes)
    (though the jokes are pretty funny!)

  2. Take good care of yourself!

  3. So sorry you are not well. I wondered where you were but thought maybe you were taking a small summer break. I am always behind in reading everyone’s blog. So not to worry!

  4. You bring us so much joy and information on this blog that we, in return, are happy to sit tight and let you take your good old time to get well.

    Alot of people in NY are sick too, but not from a cold. Our stock market tumbled big time today! I’d rather have what YOU have. At least you know you’ll recover 🙂

    PS: I’m a fan of clock solitaire myself.

  5. Sorry to hear you are under the weather, Mags. I hope you have a good movie to snuggle in and watch, or maybe a book to curl up with. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. susielindau says:

    Rest up! We will all be here when you are feeling better!

  7. Arindam says:

    Mags, Take care of yourself. Do not worry about anything else.

  8. elcampeador says:

    I echo Arindam words..Mags, Take care of yourself. Do not worry about anything else.

  9. I’m so glad that you’re on the mend. water, Water, WATER — force the fluids to flush the toxins.

  10. gitwizard says:

    Hope you are feeling better soon Mags, take your time and don’t waste your energy replying to all our comments. 🙂

  11. Elyse says:

    Feel better. The weekend is here — you don’t want to be sick for that!

  12. robincoyle says:

    I’ll bring you some soup and a cup of tea.

  13. Hi Mags – your absence has certainly been noticed. You are such a wee force on WordPress.

    Get better soon. That flu bug is going around, and its nasty. All the best from down here. 🙂

  14. Mags, Sounds like you are on the mend. We missed you and were wondering. Take care. Wally

  15. Lenore Diane says:

    Thank you for checking in with everyone, Mags. I am sorry you were hit with a nasty cold. I’m battling something, myself. Here’s to the two of us getting well soon! Now please rest.

  16. Miss you; miss the jokes; However, your health is more important.

  17. travelrat says:

    For illnesses like yours, I usually apply the £20 rule, as told to me by that prince of pill-rollers, Dr. Arun (‘Genghis’) Khan.

    Imagine it’s pouring down outside, and you see a £20 note lying on the lawn.

    If you think ‘It can stay there!’, go to bed at once, and call the doctor. If you’re prepared to go out and get it, just find a nice comfy sofa, a duvet and a mug of soup, and settle down to watch DVDs. You’ll feel better in no time!

    Hope you’re better soon!

  18. Windsmoke. says:

    Take your time to get well first, because we’ll all still be here waiting for you. Take care :-).

  19. Glad you are feeling better. We will look forward to having the jokes next weekend!!

  20. Just glad to have you back! Toasting you with a virtual cup of tea.

  21. niasunset says:

    Oh dear Mags, I am sorry to hear this, get well soon… It is winter in there isn’t it? Kiwi is the best, everyday one of them… Thank you dear Mags, be fine, we are here and would like to hear you again. Love, nia

  22. malc50 says:

    The fact that you’re on the mend, Mags, is more cheering news than any weekend humour. Take care. Cheers, Mal.

  23. megtraveling says:

    I’m glad you’re getting better. Just take your time!

  24. barb19 says:

    I was wondering where you were, I thought you might just be taking a break, so was really sorry to hear you are sick. Take all the time you need and get better Mags – everything else can wait.

  25. reb says:

    I agree with all of the above comments. Take it easy, and please don’t feel that you have to catch up with everything when you get back …

    I play a silly little ball game on FB sometimes, and I used to like the Free Cell that comes with the computer..

  26. Selma says:

    So sorry to hear you haven’t been well, Mags. You rest up this weekend and take it easy. Hugs to you xxx

  27. The Emu says:

    Get well soon , missing your jokes
    A good dose of Bourbon followed by a carton of beer and a few bottles of port normally works for us Aussies , if it doesn’t we are too pissed to care
    Do hope you improve soon

  28. zannyro says:

    Sorry to hear that you’ve not been well….keep taking care of yourself..we’ll be here waiting 🙂

  29. Mags I hope you are better…its been kinda lonely without you my friend!!!!

  30. Ianus Christius says:

    Hello again!
    Please stop by, I have some interesting tests for you to solve. Maybe you’ll like it.

  31. aFrankAngle says:

    Getting better is the most important thing! Meanwhile, here’s a headline for you from The Onion: Study Shows Mosquitoes Don’t Need to Bite Us

  32. Indira says:

    Hi mags I missed you. Get well soon.

  33. Hope you feel better soon.

  34. Snoring Dog Studio says:

    Oh, mags, just rest! We’ll be here when you get back!

  35. Lynn says:

    Ok Mags.Don’t worry.I haven’t been blogging either too much,though I haven’t been ill.I hope you are a bit better by now.Take care!!!

  36. wolke205 says:

    Never say sorry when you re ill 🙂 Just rest & get well soon! We will be here, so don’t worry. Take care 🙂

  37. Sorry you’re not feeling well Mags : ( I thought there was something wrong with my wordpress account because I stopped getting emails! haha! I think everyone has either been busy, taking a break, or like you, sick. Things have slowed down for sure.
    I hope you get some needed rest and feel better soon. I’m actually going away on a mini break myself for a week. Eventually I’ll get back to a normal routine.

  38. Sorry to hear that you’ve been down for the count. But glad things are looking up. Welcome back to the blogosphere! I missed ya!

  39. 😊get well, mags! All of us, your pals, are praying for you!😊

  40. Feel better, Mags! Don’t you worry about a thing, just rest, take a break. Come back to blogging when you feel you can.

  41. viveka says:

    Spend your time … with the cold/flu so long as needed … we will be here whenever you feel the blogging nerve are teasing again. Be good to yourself

  42. Do hope you feel better soon. Hugs pip

  43. I thought that you were just having a rest. I slept for 24 hours yesterday, so… The young mouse who has moved into the house with me for the Winter climbed up onto me to see if I was still alive. He very quickly found out that I was! We had previously come to an understanding that he was allowed to come into the bedroom with me but that he was to keep quiet – no gnawing my shoeboxes or scratching about while I am trying to sleep. He has been repecting his side of the bargain quite well since that first noisy night, but didn’t understand why I was still in bed yesterday. When I finally started to get up, he shot under the door super fast, just in case I sent him flying across the room again like I had when he woke me up walking on my shoulder. I don’t mind us being friends and sharing the house (I hope to Heaven that he is indeed a he and not a she) but I strongly object to any living creature thinking that he can just join me in bed. I expect to be courted first. Dinner, flowers, trips to the theatre, etc… And then I might think about it, but that doesn’t mean that he has any rights. It’s my house after all. Other people would lay traps and poison out for him. I think that he’s very lucky that he chose my home. On the other hand, he might have really been worried about me, so I suppose that I shouldn’t really complain. I would send him up to Queensland to keep you company, but you already have a hubby and possibly some other family members to do that, so I’ll just say “Get well quickly, but take all the time that you need. I, for one, shall still be here when you come back. I’m a subscriber to your blog, so you can’t get rid of me. Hope you are feeling a little better each day, Mags.” There you are!

  44. darkjade68 says:

    Get Better Mags


  45. Hope you get to feeling better real soon!

  46. Margie says:

    I got behind on reading blogs too – it is fun catching up, though!

  47. blueberriejournal says:

    Take care and get well soon.

  48. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  49. Hope you feel better soon, Mags!

  50. Sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell, Mags… 😦 Sounds like it really knocked you off your feet! Hope you’re back to your old self before you know it! 🙂 I love the Oscar Wilde quote!!! I’m behind on blog reading, too, but I don’t have a good excuse! Feel better soon!

  51. Hotly Spiced says:

    I understand why you needed to take a break but I sure did miss your weekend jokes. I do hope you are feeling so much better now. Good luck with all the catching up and great to have you back! xx

  52. Asifa Zunaidha says:

    Hi Maggie.. I didn’t know you were not well until I missed your friday weekend jokes.. Take care of yourself.. Get well soon 🙂 Cold requires rest and lots of pepper and turmeric mixed hot milk… It is the Indian prescription 😉

  53. Madhu says:

    Hope you are feeling better Mags. Take care.

  54. Stepping My Way to Bliss says:

    Mags! Hope you are all better now. I have had a hard time “keeping up” since I started working but I had noticed your absence. Sorry you have been sick…I know how it feels. Last year was a banner year for me–was sick with the crud 3 different times. Uugh. Smiles, Bliss

  55. Lynda says:

    I didn’t read anyone else responses, but I am pretty sure we all agree that we are glad you are on the mend! ~ L

  56. jakesprinter says:

    More power to you Mags ,Life must go on 🙂

  57. Gilly Gee says:

    So sorry to hear you were sick, I wish you a speedy recovery honey, take care:-)

  58. mj monaghan says:

    So sorry to hear you were not feeling well. Hope you’re back to 100% before you know it.
    All the best to a speedy recovery.

  59. What a perfect quote at the end of your post — and I hope you are feeling all better now!

  60. Fergiemoto says:

    Hope you have mended. Take care.

  61. Hope you feel better sorry I’m late to reply.

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