
 I live in Brisbane which is the Capitol of Queensland in Australia.

My Interests:- Ancient History – History – Politics – Travel – Animals – World Events – Movies – Paintings – Photography

Who am I:- My name is Margaret, but everyone calls me Mags.  My Birthday is on the 18th of February, so I am an Aquarian, if you are into star signs at all, and really I’m just your average Aussie. 🙂

172 Responses to About

  1. buzfairy says:

    Thank you for passing by my blog. And I have to mention that I’ve starting checking your blog since then, it has a looooot of interesting things in my opinion 🙂

  2. buzfairy says:

    Believe me, it’s not everyday I see such an interesting blog. I’ve even contemplated talking about the underwater museum in my own blog.

    I will be checking your blog frequently and repeatedly 😉

  3. buzfairy says:

    I’ll do more than a pingback. Least I can do is mention the blog as a whole 🙂

  4. stevehollier says:

    Hi Magsx2.
    Thanks for the comment on the spider post. Your blog does look interesting, as buzfairy says… I too will have a dig about, if that’s OK.


  5. Thanks for being a contributor to my blog – http://www.houseofpayne.com.au, its appreciated that somebody actually reads my ramblings and takes the time to consider them.

    Where abouts in Brisbane are you based?

  6. malc50 says:

    Hi magsx2, Your blog is operating normally as far as I can ascertain.

  7. malc50 says:

    Welcome back, magsx2. All resolved now?

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi malc50,
      Seems to be, I still don’t know why. Ahh a mystery never to be understood I’m afraid. On a different note:-
      I’m still having trouble with my video’s here, only if using IE8, I prefer using IE8 as most of my friends use this browser, that way I know they are seeing what I’m seeing, I think this is being looked into as there seems to be a few of us with this video problem. It all looks fine in other browsers. Another mystery.

  8. malc50 says:

    Hi magsx2, I’ve been using Mozilla Firefox for the last 12 months, and highly recommend it. It’s JCU’s recommended browser, and seems to have fewer problems than Internet Explorer.

    • magsx2 says:

      I have heard a lot of people say that they think firefox is really good. But as I said most of my friends use IE8, and if I use the same I know what is happening. Regardless people using IE8 should not be having the problems with the video’s, a lot of people use IE and the problem really needs to be fixed.

  9. malc50 says:

    Hi mags, I enjoy your blog posts, commend you, and trust that you will keep up the good work. You may not hear much from me for the next six months. The local university is short of expertise in the area of Mathematics Education. I do not have a Doctor of Philosophy and cannot aspire to permanent staff, but have been appointed as an Adjunct Lecturer, to fill the void. I have a full time-table for semester one, with 6 lectures, 10 tutorials and 5 repeat tutorials each week. Cheers. (I’m loving semi-retirement!)

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi malc50,
      My goodness you have done a bit of work for the Uni lately, they should pay you double for all your trouble. 🙂

      I may not be putting in very many posts either, I have been called to do Jury service, will be going tomorrow, I have to leave really early mainly because of the bus timetables. So if I am able to do a post it will most likely be at night, or maybe not at all, just have to see how things pan out.

      To think that it is only Feb. I think a lot of people will be glad to see this year over and done with, it’s already been a hell of a year for a lot of people.

  10. malc50 says:

    Let’s enjoy 2011 Mags, with some predicting the end of the world on December 21, 2012! 🙂 (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon)

  11. magsx2 says:

    Hi malc50,
    Well we haven’t long to wait to prove that one wrong, it of course will go in the history books with all the others. (personal opinion only) I do find it fascinating the amount of times the world should of ended.

  12. malc50 says:

    Hi Mags. I came across this YouTube clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl57kdOV5xw and thought that, as a fan of Ancient History, you may be interested. Cheers, Mal.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Mal,
      That is fantastic, there are certainly a couple there I didn’t know about, I will have to do a bit of research on them, looks like it is a very interesting web site, will definitely go through that web site, thanks again for the heads up.

  13. buzfairy says:

    Hello darling, how are you? I know it’s been a while since I said hi, but you came to my mind today.

    We’re celebrating the 5oth anniversary of our country’s independence, as well as the 2oth anniversary of our liberation from the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait.

    And guess who is here in Kuwait, joining us in our celebrations? The Australian Governor General.

    Check out the videos I posted on my blog about the great fireworks show today celebrating our Golden Jubilee:

    This is part one. http://buzfairy.com/2011/02/26/best-videos-of-kuwait-towers-fireworks-show-part-1/

    This is part two. http://buzfairy.com/2011/02/26/best-videos-of-kuwait-towers-fireworks-show-part-2/

    Tell me what you think 🙂

  14. bronxboy55 says:

    I’ve combined the Stylish Blogger and Versatile Blogger awards and named you as a recipient. Well, sort of. No pressure, no obligation!


    Somewhat Stylishly Versatile

  15. Paul says:

    I really enjoyed your Projection show (light shows, 3D projection) in Kharkiv. I am trying to find out more about who and how the light show was done. I have searched the net but not much other than the video itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Paul

  16. malc50 says:

    Hi Mags, With your interest in Egyptology, I thought you might be interested in this link:

    Cheers, Mal

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Mal,
      Thank You very much for the link. I was actually reading about this today in a couple of OZ papers, but they didn’t have any pictures in them. This article from the BBC has a heap more information, with a video as well, Thanks again Mal.

  17. barb19 says:

    Hi there – nice to meet another fellow Aussie! I live up in Hervey Bay (originally from the Gold Coast). I also lived in New Farm for a couple of years in the ’60’s.
    I came across your blog from a comment you left on Rebekah’s blog, and noticed you were from Australia, so thought I’d check out your blog.
    You write about lots of different things, it looks very interesting.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi barb19,
      Hervey Bay is a beautiful place, I’ve been there a few times over the years, Hubby loves to fish and we have never been disappointed whenever we have gone there. Also the best place for whale watching as well. 🙂
      Glad you found the my blog interesting.
      Thank You for visiting.

  18. gitwizard says:

    Hi Mags,
    Love your Managers/Engineers joke, I know a few managers like that too!
    Tried commenting on the post, but I get this page come up.
    The same thing happens when I try to comment at Archie’s sometimes, maybe it is something to do with the public library computers i’m now using.
    PS: I am now here .

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi gitwizard,
      What you see on the page is an an ad. I don’t have any control of the ads that wordpress put on my blog. This is how they fund the free blogs. The only time I see them is when I am logged out, so I logged out. Anybody that has a blog at wordpress and is logged in doesn’t see any ads. There was more to the ad than what your screenshot showed, I’m guessing the browser that you may be using at the library needs updating. I hope that clears that up. I don’t know why you couldn’t comment though,

  19. El Guapo says:

    Magsx2, I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award. Because your site literally goes all over the map and I love it.
    So there.

    There Goes The Neighborhood…


  20. gioiahm says:

    As silly and chainmail-ish as it may seem I have nomiated you for an award, because while you more then deserve it you blog means something special to me. Thanks 🙂


  21. Oohgioia hit you up with award so I figured I’d stop by, then i realized I see your handle on Guapola all the time. Nice stuff here.

  22. Margie says:

    Hi Mags – you really are quite a mysterious person! I’m always interested in the person behind the blog, and about all I’ve learned about you (other than your stated interests) is that you live in Australia and your husband likes to fish!
    Thanks for all your visits to my blog home in Canada. I appreciate your comments. I am not nearly as prolific a commenter as you, but wanted you to know that I enjoy your posts nonetheless!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Margie,
      Yes, I am a very private type of person, I have always been that way. Of course my friends know me very well, too well in some cases. 😆 (We have often laughed about this.)

      I am very lucky, I have the most wonderful Husband, and yes he loves to fish, he is actually going deep sea fishing in a couple of weeks time for the weekend, he is finally getting a bit of a break from work.
      We lost the most beautiful dog in the world a few years back, she was part of our lives for 14 years, we now have another darling (read terror) we have had her for just on 3 years now, we got her at 6 weeks old. She is an Australian Red Cattle Dog (Red Heeler).

      I really am Just your average Aussie. 🙂
      I do enjoy reading your posts, and I’m so glad you enjoy some of my posts.

  23. Thanks for reading my Peru feature on Lesley Carter’s website today 🙂 I hope to visit Australia in the near future!

  24. Golfmadchick says:

    Hi Mags, Hayley (Golfmadchick) here. Am keen to ask you a couple of questions about your blog as we both use wordpress.com – could you email me on my blog as I don’t have an address for ya. Be v grateful – thanks.

  25. aRVee says:

    Hi Mags, thanks for dropping by my site, I appreciate it. Have a great day! 🙂

  26. Pingback: I’ve been tagged « Lafemmeroar

  27. iz1photos says:

    Hi Mags! Thanks for spending some of your time visiting my blog. Appreciate your like & comment 🙂

  28. zannyro says:

    Hi! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please see my post for details! 🙂

  29. dou dou says:

    Happy Belated Birthday :()

  30. A Brissie girl! 😀 Good to meet you. I look forward to more of your posts!!!

  31. zannyro says:

    You’re birthday is just around the corner!!! Happy birthday early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  32. zannyro says:

    I nominated you for the “ABC” Award…you can check it out on

  33. zannyro says:

    Well,,,that didn’t work so well…but you can find it under my “AN EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES” post.

  34. Pam says:

    Love your blog! We visited Brisbane last time we went to Australia. I’ll never forget waking up in the forest with all the unfamiliar birds singing at dawn – just magic! I enjoy your videos too.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Pam,
      Thank You very much. I’m glad you had a good time when you visited Australia. The bird sounds would of course be totally different than what you would be used to. 🙂

  35. Turber says:

    Hi, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Details are here: http://looserornot.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/the-versatile-blogger-award-yes-im-the-chosen-one/ I hope you accept the award in the spirtit that I nominate you. Have fun best wishes! 😀

  36. Turber says:

    As there has been some confusion, I’d like my nominees to know, that the Versatile Blogger Award is given to you, if you declare to accept it by making a post on your blog!
    That post must have the rules 1-4 (you’ll find them in my post here: http://looserornot.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/the-versatile-blogger-award-yes-im-the-chosen-one/) fulfilled, that’s all.
    There is not a jury or a person picking one particular winner! The nominees themselves decide, if they want to accept the award.
    For further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me, and congrats if you choose to take the badge of honor. 😀
    P.S.: Consider this as a private message to you. There is no need to approve it.

  37. Hi Mags, I sure do enjoy your blog. You have such a great sense of humor! I am nominating you for the T.M.I. Award on my next post.

  38. Mags – I imagine you have been recognised before, but I’m doing my wee bit to increase your readership. Have recognised you on today’s post. Pick your award. Love your blog 🙂

  39. this is a possible post 4 U, mags: it is a very sweet story about a little boy named Caine

  40. Colline says:

    To show appreciation of your blog, today I have nominated you for the Geniune Blogger Award. See my post for details: http://collinesblog.wordpress.com/2012/04/17/the-genuine-blogger-award/

  41. Hi there! I’ve nominated your blog for a Beautiful Blogger Award 🙂 If you’d like to accept the award, you can get the details in my post here: http://zenandgenki.com/2012/04/19/3-new-awards-gratitude-gratitude-gratitude/ Have a great week! Anne

  42. Asifa says:

    Wow!!! Now this is silly…I nominated u for the versatile blogger award!!! But now I see that you are already an awardee 😉 Maybe let’s just keep it quiet 😉 at http://asifazunaidha.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/passing-the-cup-thank-u-for-the-versatile-blogger-award/

  43. Joanne says:

    Hello Mags. Just thought I’d drop by as our mutual friend, Barbara Rodgers, mentioned you to me recently and I gathered you were an Australian. I see you live in Brisbane, not that far from me, here in northern NSW. It’s very nice to meet a fellow Aussie through the blogosphere. 🙂

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Joanne,
      Very nice to meet you as well. 🙂
      I noticed the blog attached to your name is not valid at the moment, do you have a blog I can go visit?

  44. Joanne says:

    Oh no, I think the gremlins have got into WordPress again! I actually have four blogs, the main one being http://www.home-life-online.com, although when I comment WordPress won’t let me sign in under that site name. I can get into the dshboard of the the other site (the one which they say isn’t valid) so will just leave you the direct address http://asenseofspirit.com/ and hopefully that link will work. Thanks for letting me know about the problem Mags. 🙂

  45. Subhan Zein says:

    Hello my friend,
    I like your writing up here. I think if you keep doing what you’re doing now, you will have good future. So keep it up my friend! 🙂
    I have a joyful ride in your blog, and now I’d like to invite you to visit mine. Thank you and have a wonderful day, my friend! 🙂
    Subhan Zein

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Subhan,
      Thank You very much for that nice compliment.
      I will certainly go and visit your blog, thank you for the invitation. 🙂

  46. I haven’t been following your blog very long but I’ve found it very entertaining. Therefore, I’ve nominated you for the “sunshine award.” you can go to my blog and check it out. Hope you have as much fun with it as I did!

  47. shamasheikh says:

    Thank you so very much for coming by my blog and helping me find yours! It is delightfully versatile in its content and I look forward to coming back…

    God bless…

  48. Hi, Mags! I came across this and thought it was pretty cool. I wondered if you were familiar with this experiment since it’s in your corner of the world.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi ariadnesdaughter,
      Actually it was in one of our newspapers, only a very small article, but truly astonishing. The link that you have provided has a lot more information. To think that from when the experiment started and now 80 years later the next “drop from the pitch” is just forming, which is only number 9. It has taken 80 long years for 8 drops to fall, it is truly going to be a long wait for this one that is just starting to form now. 🙂

  49. Hi Mags, and thank you for checking out my blog! Good luck!

  50. CwithNuEyes says:

    Hi Mags, thanks for your wonderful comments on my photos. It’s great to be in contact with another Australian blogger! You have some really interesting things on here, keep it up 🙂 Marieke

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Marieke,
      Thank You. 🙂
      There are a few Aussies around WP, not many though, I also thought your blog was good as well, I put you in my RSS feed so I will be back. 😀

  51. Subhan Zein says:

    Great to find an Aussie blogger! Geez, I didn’t realize you live in Brisbane. Awesome! How’re ya doing, mate? 🙂

    I’m in Canberra, and I’m dying to meet a blogger from this city. No luck so far. Do you know any blogger based in Canberra?

    Subhan Zein

  52. malc50 says:

    Hi Mags, Is all well with you and yours? You appear to have been “off-line” since the week-end. I trust nothing is amiss. Best Wishes, Mal.

  53. Devina says:

    Hi there! I’m writing from The Dark Globe, this month is our Followers Appreciation Month and all of us over at TDG would like to thank you for being there 🙂
    Wishing you all the best for you health,
    ~ Devina

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Devina,
      What a great idea, I’m sorry to be late answering, but am still catching up after being away for over a week, I will have to go over to The Dark Globe.
      Thank You.

  54. Genie says:

    How did you get the live traffic feed on this blog? I’ve downloaded the tool, but am not smart enough to figure out how to get in on WordPress.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Genie,
      Do you mean the RSS feed?
      If so I use IE9 browser when I am browsing through the blogs, and it is just a matter of clicking onto the RSS feed and it is automaticly there.

  55. Colline says:

    I have nominated you for the Illuminating Blogger Award. Please see my post for details: http://collinesblog.wordpress.com/2012/06/06/the-illuminating-blogger-award/

  56. Genie says:

    Oops! I forgot to tell you. I nominated you for the Illuminating Blog Award. http://geniespeaks.wordpress.com/2012/06/07/illuminating-blog-award/

  57. megtraveling says:

    Hi! I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award! Thanks for such an enjoyable blog. Here’s the link: http://megtraveling.com/2012/06/08/reader-appreciation-and-very-inspiring-blogger-awards/

  58. Pingback: Ten Commandments Award « Donkey Whisperer Farm Blog

  59. Hi
    I nominated you for the 10 Commandments Award you can go to my blog to get the instructions how to recieve and add to your blog. Congratulations

  60. Seasonsgirl says:

    I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Commenter/Commentator Award. You can see your nomination at http://seasonsgirl.wordpress.com/2012/06/10/first-special-award/ .
    Congrats 🙂 – Seasonsgirl

  61. jakesprinter says:

    Great page you have here Mags , I update my about page too LOL,
    More power to your blog 🙂

  62. Genie says:

    I have nominated you for the Commenter Award because you are one of my top 6 commenters. If you choose to accept the rules are on my post: http://geniespeaks.wordpress.com/2012/06/17/the-commenter-award/. If you do not choose to accept, that’s okay. Just know I enjoy your comments.

  63. Colline says:

    I could not resist nominating you for this award. Please read my post for details: http://collinesblog.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/one-lovely-blog-award/

  64. Shalvika P says:

    Hi Mags! You have a lovely blog here. I’m so glad I found it 🙂
    I’m gonna follow you and look forward to reading more of your stuff 🙂

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Shalvika,
      Thank You very much, I am glad to hear you found something of interest, and Thank You very much for the nice comment as well. 🙂

  65. Indira says:

    Hi Mags, I’m not receiving notification of your posts, really missing you. Have a nice time, take care.

  66. Hi Mags, a triple treat of blog awards awaits you at my place. Do with them what you will:

    Paying The Blog Love FAward

  67. malc50 says:

    Hi Mags, Hope you’ve enjoyed your break, and will return soon with your weekend jokes to brighten up our lives. Cheers, Mal.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Mal,
      I have been enjoying the break Thank You, I will be back in the blogosphere soon. I haven’t been on the computer at all much, but will catch up with everyone soon. 😀

  68. Mal says:

    Hi Mags, Off to Lord Howe Island in a couple of days. Will take my laptop, and post a few photos. Cheers, Mal.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Mal,
      That sounds great, it is such a lovely place to go, and the weather has been glorious now we are coming into Spring, I know you will both have a great time and I will be looking forward to seeing some photos.

  69. starlaschat says:

    Hi Mags :+) I’m glad you are having a good visit with friends. I know how it is to enjoy taking a break from blogging and the computer in genral. I once took about a year off from blogging and didn’t even turn on my computer at all it was actually very nice. Just thinking of you today and wanted to say Hello.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi starlaschat,
      How wonderful it is to hear from you, I haven’t been on the net for awhile so I am sorry I didn’t answer you sooner. I have been busy and haven’t had much time, but will catch up when I get back into the blogosphere. 🙂

      • starlaschat says:

        Hi Mags :+)
        Nice to see you! I know how life can get very busy. I was just checking on you. Take Good Care. Just sending you a few smiles your way. :+) :+) :+)

        • El Guapo says:

          Likewise. Glad all is well, Magsx2.

          • magsx2 says:

            Hi El Guapo,
            It was very nice of you to drop by, and a lovely surprise as well, I am amazed some people still remember me. 😀
            Everything is AOK just busy getting a few things done around the house, and hoping to be able to catch up with you soon.

        • magsx2 says:

          Hi starlaschat,
          Thank You for the smiles, always lovely to hear from you. Everything is fine, had a bit of a hold up getting a few things done, but we will get there. 😀
          I hope to get back to blogging soon. 🙂

  70. barb19 says:

    Hi Mags – is everything ok? I’m missing your posts!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi barb19,
      Everything is fine, I have been really busy so I haven’t been on the net for awhile, but hoping to get back into the blogosphere shortly and catch up with everyone. It was very nice to hear from you, it’s nice to know that I haven’t been forgotten after all this time. 😀

  71. bronxboy55 says:

    I just wanted to join the many who have stopped by periodically to see if you’re here, to hope all is well, and to nag you to get back to blogging.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi bronxboy55,
      Sorry about the late reply. My Dad had to have a triple by-pass operation, he is 81 so it has been a very worrying time. He is recovering well, and I am looking after him at his place until he gets back on his feet. I hope to be able to get to a few blogs before Xmas if all goes well, but I most likely will not be back blogging until next year. I do miss everyone.

  72. jakesprinter says:

    I really missed your artcle Mags, Merry Christmas my friend 🙂

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi jakesprinter,
      Thank You.
      With all going well with Dad I will be back blogging in the New Year, but it has been fun catching up with everyone, I have also missed so many of my blogging friends. It was really nice that people had not forgot me after all this time. 🙂
      Merry Christmas to you as well. 🙂

  73. Lori DiNardi says:

    Mags, just about all of my female friends and relatives are Aquarius. I’m thinking Libra women (me) and Aquarian women must be a good fit. 🙂

  74. malc50 says:

    Hi Mags, Thinking of you as the south-east suffers in the aftermath of tropical cyclone Oswald. Hope all is well with you and yours. Best wishes, Mal.

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