My Blog Review for 2010 from WordPress.

It was a very nice surprise to see this review in my inbox. Totally unexpected, but very nice of WordPress to go to the trouble of sending out a Review of the blog for 2010. Thank You to the WordPress staff for taking the time to do this.

I have only been blogging here since July 2010, and have really enjoyed those 6mths. I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone that has taken the time to read my blog, and I have very much enjoyed the comments and the debates that have been had in that time. A special Thank You to Travelrat who made it in my review, and also a special Thank You to Malc50 who arrives at my blog from different places so was not shown in the review. Below is the review that WordPress sent me, and like so many others here at WordPress I thought I would share.

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 8,000 times in 2010. That’s about 19 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 156 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 359 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 8mb. That’s about 7 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was December 25th with 318 views. The most popular post that day was $11Million Xmas Tree:- Dubai (Video Included).

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,, WordPress Dashboard, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for christmas tree dubai, dubai christmas tree 2010, fish that clean your feet, oarfish and christmas tree dubai 2010.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


$11Million Xmas Tree:- Dubai (Video Included) December 2010


Grown Men Singing Lady Gaga (Funny Video) October 2010
2 comments and 1 Like on,


Fishy Foot Fetish:- Let the fish clean your feet.(Video Included) August 2010


ATM That Dispenses Gold Instead of Money (Video Included) November 2010


Spielberg Making Movie in the Gold Coast Hinterland. September 2010

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6 Responses to My Blog Review for 2010 from WordPress.

  1. Congratulations! Had I known of your blog back in August, I would have clicked on the Fishy Foot Fetish and increased your total. But I’m clicking now and that will count toward 2011! I’ll be back to catch all of your interesting videos this year!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi AA,
      Thank You very much. It has been a fun 6mths, also it’s been great “meeting new people.” My first month or so blogging here I was getting around 5 views a day, but I was very happy that at least someone was reading my posts.
      By all means add to the count toward 2011 🙂 I hope you enjoy the read.

  2. malc50 says:

    Congratulations, magsx2. Your blog posts always make for interesting and informative reads. I look forward to following your blog throughout 2011 (though will be away for about a week 8 – 12 January).

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi malc50,
      Thank You very much, also Thank You for the great comments that you have made right throughout the 6 mths that I have been blogging here.
      I hope you have a really good time on your week away, and please be careful on the roads, there are a lot of roads that have been washed away by the floods.

  3. Selma says:

    Good on you Mags. That’s brilliant! Wishing you many more visitors in 2011.

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