Merry Christmas Everyone

I would like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas, and a big Thank You for the support you have shown throughout the year. I have “met” some wonderful people from all different places, and I have learned a great deal about other places in the world, thanks to many, many bloggers. The blogosphere is certainly a wondrous place.

Christmas is on Sunday here in OZ this year, so like a lot of others I will be fairly busy getting everything ready, but I will be back blogging on and off next week, meanwhile I hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas and above all else please stay safe, especially for those people that will be on the roads over the Christmas break.

Some Xmas Trivia.

The Oxford English Dictionary records the use of cracker bonbons and the pulling of crackers from the early 1840s. Tradition tells of how Thomas J. Smith of London invented crackers in 1847. He created the crackers as a development of his bon-bon sweets, which he sold in a twist of paper (the origins of the traditional sweet-wrapper). As sales of bon-bons slumped, Smith began to come up with new promotional ideas. His first tactic was to insert mottos into the wrappers of the sweets (cf. fortune cookies), but this had only limited success.

Chritmas cracker

Image via Wikipedia

Smith added the “crackle” element when he heard the crackle of a log he had just put on a fire. The size of the paper wrapper had to be increased to incorporate the banger mechanism, and the sweet itself was eventually dropped, to be replaced by a small gift. The new product was initially marketed as the Cosaque (i.e., Cossack), but the onomatopoeic “cracker” soon became the commonly used name, as rival varieties came on the market. The other elements of the modern cracker, the gifts, paper hats and varied designs, were all introduced by Tom Smith’s son, Walter Smith, to differentiate his product from the rival cracker manufacturers which had suddenly sprung up.
Reference Wikipedia

Christmas would not be complete without some beautiful music from the world renowned Andre Rieu sit back and enjoy.
If for some reason you cannot watch the video below click here

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52 Responses to Merry Christmas Everyone

  1. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas holiday, Mags!

  2. In the video clip, the out-of-control snow in the audience was funny! Happy holidays to YOU and to YOURS!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Laurie,
      Yes I had to smile when all the “snow” came down, the effect I thought was great.
      Hope you and your family have a wonderful time over the holidays as well.

  3. barb19 says:

    I have also ‘met” some truly interesting people during my year of blogging (yourself included), and I’ve learned such a lot from each one; we have a fantastic community here.
    Thanks for the video Mags, I love watching Andre – he makes music come alive – the “snow” was a nice touch!
    I didn’t know the history of crackers, that was very interesting, we take so much for granted. I never thought to find out about their beginnings!
    Have a wonderful and safe Christmas down there in good old Brissie, Mags!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi barb19,
      Andre does bring to life the music, I have seen just about all his clips on youtube from all the different concerts all over the world, including Melbourne Australia, and the music and singing are just fantastic.

      The history of the crackers is a fantastic read, as you say you just never really think about how these things all started.
      You also have a wonderful Christmas.

  4. El Guapo says:

    Thank you.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. Rebekah says:

    A very merry Christmas to you and yours, Mags! It’s been a true pleasure, this whole blogging thing, and I’m so thankful for all the new connections I’ve made during this last year!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Rebekah,
      It is wonderful in the blogosphere, I have really learned a lot about a whole range of things.
      I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  6. Arindam says:

    Thanks a lot!
    Merry Christmas to you too Mags! 🙂 Celebrate the season to its fullest. 🙂

  7. malc50 says:

    Thanks Mags. All the very best to you and yours for a Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. Regards, Mal.

  8. starzyia says:

    Merry Christmas to you, Mags, and I hope a very happy and safe new year, with lots of inspirational blog posts for us to devour in 2012.
    I was very interested in the history of the christmas cracker, especially the unexpected mention of cossacks, yay!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Starry,
      Thank You, I’m sure there will be heaps of great posts from everyone in the New Year.
      It is very interesting reading about the crackers, I also was surprised at the reference to the cossacks.

  9. Selma says:

    I have enjoyed reading your blog so much this year, Mags. As a child I used to love shows like ‘The Curiosity Show’ and ‘Simon Townsend’s Wonder World’ – your blog has been so interesting and informative and has taught me lots of things like those shows used to do. Sometimes reading the news is depressing and I often feel a bit down after it but your blog always peps me up because it shows the world still is wonderful. Have a fantastic Christmas, Mags. Love to you and your family xxx

  10. Kymbo says:

    You have posted some great stuff this year Mags and I’ve enjoyed it very much. I hope you continue in the same vein next year. Here’s hoping you and yours have a great Christmas and a happy and event filled new year.

  11. dearrosie says:

    You’ve expressed what most of us have felt – that we’re glad and honored to be part of the blogging community. I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts this past year. I’ve learned so much from you little blog.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and your family.

  12. aFrankAngle says:

    Merry Christmas Mags to you and yours. You have been a wonderful find for me and I also appreciate your visits .. (and I know you’ve enjoyed the various holiday music that I’ve provided … a couple more to go). Also, thanks for being patient with me as I deal with having limited time these days. Enjoy the holiday!

  13. Merry Christmas, Mags! The video brought a big smile to my face. 🙂 I’ve enjoyed visiting your delightful blog and am looking forward to seeing what more you will discover and share with us in the coming year. Thanks so much!!!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi Barbara,
      Have a fantastic Christmas, for us here in OZ it’s Friday morning, and Christmas is on Sunday, the year just seemed to fly by.
      The older I get the years go faster.

  14. Snoring Dog Studio says:

    I love what you bring to the blogosphere, Mags! You’ve given me much delight throughout the year. I look forward to seeing what you have for us in 2012. Merry Christmas!

  15. Merry Christmas to you too. I look forward to your return.

  16. munchow says:

    Thank you for your great blog. And Merry Christmas to you!

  17. Yes, Mags, Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. Enjoy a well-deserved break!! It’s been such a treat for me to visit you daily and meet your regular fans as well as learn so much. Thanks for all your hard work!!

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi EOSR,
      Thank You very much.
      I’ll most likely be in and out of the blogosphere for the next week or so, and I will get to as many blogs as I can.
      You and your family have a great Christmas.

  18. Margie says:

    Merry Christmas Mags, from the frozen land of Canada!

  19. E.C. says:

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! 🙂

  20. souldipper says:

    Hey, Mags, thanks for a great year. Look at the fabulous growth you’ve experienced! Plus I see your presence “around the world”. Well done. Have a fabulous Christmas and many blessings to all your loved ones and you, Mags!

  21. Barb says:

    Ahhhhhh…Mags. I knew I should have gotten over here earlier for a relaxing and interesting piece of Christmas. Thanks for all your encouragement this year. Happy New Year.

  22. Lafemmeroar says:

    Have a great New Year … I first watched Andre Rieu on PBS … wish I could see him perform live … someday 🙂

  23. Random says:

    sorry, to break it to you but your blog is rather boring.

  24. I awarded you the Liebster Blog award! 🙂

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