Earthquake/Tsunami hits Japan 2011 (Pictures/Video)

My heart and thoughts are with all those people in Japan today, and to all the people who have Family and Friends in Japan as well, it is devastating watching the News on TV and seeing all of the destruction, and as the day goes on we are seeing just how bad this Earthquake and Tsunami was, and how destructive it was not only to the buildings, but the lives that have been lost as well.

A total of 45,000 people living within a 10km radius of the Fukushima nuclear power plant have now been told to evacuate their homes – a steep rise on the 3,000 who were told to leave yesterday evening. Aljazeera.

New York Times  also has a good article on the Nuclear Plants.

Houses erupt in flame while the Natori river surges over the surrounding area in Natori city, Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan. AP Photo/Yasushi Kanno, The Yomiuri Shimbun

The tsunami triggered by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake hits Natori, Miyagi prefecture. AP Photo/Kyodo News

Pedestrians clamber over a piece of collapsed road in Urayasu city, Chiba. Picture: AFP

A house sinks into the ground at Sukagawa city, Fukushima. Picture: AFP

People watch the aftermath of tsunami tidal waves covering a port at Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan. AP Photo/Keichi Nakane, The Yomiuri Shimbun

See more amazing photo’s in the:-
Courier Mail Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Picture Gallery.

Live Updates from the Courier Mail.

If you are concerned about Australians in Japan you should in the first instance try to contact them directly. If this is unsuccessful, you can contact the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on 1300 555 135 (within Australia) or +61 2 6261 3305 (from overseas)

BBC News has a stack of fantastic video’s on the Tsunami and the Earthquake.

Amazing video of buildings swaying.

You might also like:-
Japan 2011 Earthquake/Tsunami Update (Pictures/Video’s)
Japan 2011 Earthquake Update 2 (Picture/Video)

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5 Responses to Earthquake/Tsunami hits Japan 2011 (Pictures/Video)

  1. Ken says:

    I have friends over there that I am very worried about, thanks for putting in the phone numbers, as nothing is working in Japan not even mobiles, anyway I rang the number and they were very helpful, just thought I would let you know, it’s a game of wait and see.

  2. travelrat says:

    I emailed my editor in Tokyo to ask if he was all right … he promptly replied, and said they were in an earthquake-proof building in Tokyo, and several of his staff suffered from motion sickness because of the movement. However, they counted themselves lucky, as they’d seen TV footage from the north of the country.

    Some of his colleagues had been slightly injured by things falling from shelves. Some were worried about their families, as all transport services had been suspended and only a few phones were working.

    • magsx2 says:

      Hi travelrat,
      That’s good news about Tokyo, yes it does seem like the North of the Country seemed to have got hit very badly. We are getting awful footage here, and it really makes you wonder how anyone survived. I heard a few hours ago that Japan had another large tremor. About an hour ago I heard that there are now 613 people that have died, the update should be in the live update link on my blog. It is really a sad day indeed.

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